1884 Photograph
The 1884 Photograph
This photograph was made in 1884 when Raffaele Coppola (who stands in the center of the photo) had assumed the role of capobanda. The picture was owned originally by Cirillo Pozzali who played Second Trumpet at the rate of 300 Lira per year, i.e., he played the second or third part. He is in the picture, though yet unidentified. Pozzali wrote the date March 4, 1884 twice on the back of the photo. One artifact of old pictures was the very long exposure time needed for such a photo, resulting in closed eyes. Someone (assumed to be Pozzali) has used a sewing needle to put pupils in the closed eyes. With forensic preparation, the entire membership of this band may be identified as Pozzali listed all of the band members along the back of the photo; however, time and rubbing against a wall has all but obliterated this information. At this time only Roberto Haagen and Achille Bissocoli can be absolutely identified. A special bonus here is Pozzali's addition of the dates of the deaths of many people in the photo. The photograph passed from Pozzali to his sister (whose name is lost) and then to her son Giuseppe Ghisi. Finally, the photo came into the possession of his daughter Giuseppina Ghisi who passed away in 2004. The photo now belongs to the located in Cremona.
Roster of the 1884 Band
Created from a document in the Archivio di Stato in Cremona
Name | Position | Wages |
Cesare Sala | Flauto con obbligo l’Ottavino | L500 |
Gaetano Alessi | Primo Clarino inoltre solista coll’obbligo del Clarone | L795 |
Francesco Canni | Primo Clarino di spalla coll’obbligo del Clarone e di supplire il Primo | L600 |
Francesco Ottoboni | Primo Clarino Sib coll’obbligo di supplire il Mib | L550 |
Pietro Ottoboni | Primo Clarino da Fila | L450 |
Michele D'Alessandro | Primo Cornetto solista | L1200 |
Alessandro Davo | Cornetto di spalla coll’obbligo di supplire il Primo | L500 |
Achille Bissocoli | Prima Tromba solista | L900 |
Edoardo Belforti | Prima Tromba di spalla coll’obbligo di supplire la Prima | L600 |
Antonio Manfredi | Primo Flicorno Basso solista | L650 |
Palmiro Muncher | Primo Bombardino solista | L650 |
Antonio Lecchi | Primo Corno | L575 |
Francesco Tavoltare | Primo Corno di spalla | L400 |
Alessandro Fantini | Primo Trombone solista coll’obbligo di supplire i Bombardini | L600 |
Carlo Boselli | Primo Basso in Fa | L550 |
Roberto Haagen | Bombardone in Mib | L800 |
Francesco Berneri | Bombardone in Sib coll’obbligo di supplire il Mib | L600 |
Luigi Avalle | Gran Cassa | L550 |
Second Level |
Roberto Manzoni | Clarino da fila | L350 |
Giovanni Meronghi | Clarino da fila | L325 |
Pietro Bisoni | Clarino da fila | L200 |
Angelo Bettoni | Clarino da fila | L200 |
Costantino Toscani | Seconda Tromba | L300 |
Cirillo Pozzali | Seconda Tromba | L300 |
Camillo Badolotti | Seconda Tromba | L225 |
Francesco Giovardi | Seconda Tromba | L200 |
Giovanni Ubi | Secondo Flicorno Basso coll’obbligo di supplire il primo | L300 |
Giuseppe Grazioli | Secondo Corno | L300 |
Stefano Lombardi | Genis | L200 |
Ernesto Maiocchi | Secondo trombone d’accompagnato coll'obbligo di supplire il Primo | L350 |
Giovanni Franchi | Terzo Trombone | L300 |
Uvigino Tognoni | Secondo Basso in Fa coll’obbligo di supplire il Primo | L300 |
Luciano Feraboli | Flicorno Alto in Sib | L300 |
Gualtiero Digiani | Flicorno Alto in Sib | L300 |
Giuseppe Ferrari | Tamburro ed inserviente | L330 |
Francesco Dedonati | Piattista coll’obbligo di supplire Gran Cassa ed inserviente | L350 |