Summer Enrollment
Your 2024 Summer Enrollment period is June 24, 2024 through July 5, 2024. Summer Enrollment is the once-a-year opportunity for employees to change their benefits without a qualifying life event (QLE). Any changes made will take effect September 1. ERS mails your benefits statement to employees each summer. If you have moved recently or did not receive your statement, login to your Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS) account to check your mailing address.
Your Options
During the summer enrollment period, you can enroll in benefits for the first time, change your current plans or coverage amounts, or drop coverage completely.
Compare Plans
Consider Coverages
Life & ADD
Set Your Money Aside
Flex Spending
401(k) / 457
What's New for Plan Year 2025
You can learn more about benefits, costs and Plan Year 2025 changes in the two HealthSelect medical plans — HealthSelect of Texas® and Consumer Directed HealthSelectSM — by registering for a one-hour webinar hosted by ERS.
Make Changes
Login to your ERS account, and select Benefits Enrollment to make changes. Do not forget to complete your election choices. You will receive an email confirmation from ERS with your election choices. Your changes will take effect September 1. If you do not receive a confirmation within 24 hours, login to ERS and confirm your changes. Summer enrollment changes must be made by 5pm CST on July 5, 2024.
Keep My Current Election
Still happy with your current benefits? Great – don't do anything! Your benefits will remain the same for the upcoming plan year (9/1/2024 to 8/31/2025).